The TeamViewer developers do want to add full Wayland support, and are working on it. Trusted Devices: authorize new devices on which you sign in to using your TeamViewer account for the first timeĪs for Wayland, TeamViewer currently supports outgoing connections, but incoming remote control is not supported and for that, you'll need to login to an Xorg session.Custom Device Information: This feature is only available for licensed customers and it's used to add and edit custom attributes to devices in Computers & Contacts - add the name of the company, or maybe the static IP address, operating system or anything you'd like.There are also two new features available for licensed customers only:

TeamViewer 14 comes with a compatibility library in case the Linux distribution you're using doesn't have this Qt version, e.g.

It's free for non-commercial use, with multiple commercial licenses available that vary in features. Teamviewer is a popular proprietary application for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer. TeamViewer 14 was released with improvements like an updated interface, increased performance for low bandwidth, and more, as well as a new product called TeamViewer Pilot, which offers " productive AR experiences for anyone needing assistance for any kind of equipment, machinery or infrastructure problem".