Mewtwo is less versatile, but it makes up for it with its offensive power and the ability to break through virtually any barrier in the game. It often appears at gym raids and events. This Pokémon is one of the strongest in the franchise and is highly elusive. Let’s check the average catch rate of Mewtwo with No Berry, Razz Berry and Golden Razz Berry. In other words, you have a 3% chance of catching a Legendary if you don’t use any modifiers, such as berries, “Nice” throws, or something like that. The lowest probability rate of catching a Legendary Pokémon is currently 3%. The capture rate is currently the highest in the legendary Pokémon. The capture rate is somewhat higher and lies in the range 6-7%, double the legendary bird and 3 times of the Kyogre. Psychic-type is one of the most striking and popular species in the game due to its particular power and even its rarity alongside Mew.

But it can be obtained through trades between Trainers. As of today, the catching of it is rare to see in the game. Mewtwo appeared in Pokémon Go for a year in EX Raids from September 2017 to September 2018.

Therefore, below we offer you a complete tutorial with the Pokémon Go Mewtwo hack to get hold of Mewtwo easily. So getting hold of it will be a challenge in the popular Pokémon Go. With a surprise, it is the most powerful and rarest psychic Pokémon. The Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo is one of the most popular Pokémon creatures in the franchise.